Friday, May 28, 2010

HTTP header in Internel Explorer

Posted on 12:02 PM by Kalum Umesh

ieHTTPHeaders is an extension to the Internet Exploer browser. ieHTTPHeaders is similar to the LiveHTTPHeaders except it is built for Internet Explorer instead of Mozilla based browsers. ieHTTPHeaders is also free, although a donation to the author would be appreciated.

Click for ieHTTPHeaders website.

ieHTTPHeaders is another quick and easy tool used for sniffer traces within the Internet Explorer browser. It is also very easy and quick to install. There is very little configuration needed. Once you install ieHTTPHeaders navigate to the tool bar, click View, click Explorer Bar, and check the
ieHTTPHeaders listed there. This will place the ieHTTPHeaders at the bottom of your browser.
Again this is so simple to install and use. You can view the packet captures quickly and easily. It again only has tracing from the browser and not from applications outside of the browser. And there is not a whole lot of capability to filter out specific results.
Unfortunately ieHTTPHeaders does not have the capability to replay packets with different value likes LiveHTTPHeaders does.
One last dis-advantage is that it only works in Internet Explorer. Luckily this is so easy to use and very similar to LiveHTTPHeaders you will find using both of them is really easy to switch make and forth. There is very little learning curve.
Overall ieHTTPHeaders is an excellent tool to use and keep. I would recommend downloading it right away and try it out. Both ieHTTPHeaders and LiveHTTPHeaders are so easy to use and install, install both of them today and start sniffing. The best way to get better at sniffer traces is to capture and analyze numerous sniffer traces on all sorts of different sites. Start sniffing today!

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